Videos: Mahindra clears every doubt you have about the Reva E2O

Mahindra E2O Videos

The Mahindra Reva E2O is not just a new car. It’s a new concept altogether. True, we had the earlier Reva too, but its didn’t quite have the potential to present itself as your practical everyday ride which had the wherewithal to challenge your gas powered family car. It’s expensive, it’s relatively smaller, less powerful and for some, just too novel as compared to a gas powered automobile. While the price is going to be a bit of a deterrence in people opting for this EV, there may be other objections too. Those who have the money, the will to go eco-friendly, and the proclivity to experiment, would also have a dozen doubts and questions in their minds about the car. How to charge it, whether there is enough luggage space, will it actually fit 4 people, what are the features, etc.

Mahindra have produced a series of videos in a bid to dispel all these doubts. We really appreciate the efforts they have made to make sure that the questions that the potential buyers of the Reva E2O are answered objectively and as clearly as possible.

If you are a willing e2O buyer, or even if you are not, being just an enthusiast – these videos will help you acquaint yourself much better about what this little EV can do. Check out the videos, and do let us know if you still have any doubts

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